广州龙卷风 长沙雷暴天 北方多地降雪

发布日期:2025-01-03 19:38    点击次数:108
  今天中午,长沙雷暴天气,天黑如夜。前两天,广州市白云区钟落潭镇遭遇龙卷风。河北、内蒙古多地降雪,一夜返冬……为何近日极端天气频发?  🤔️小作业:  1. What measures has Guangzhou taken to mitigate the impact of such natural disasters according to the passage?  A) Building stronger power lines and transmission towers  B) Conducting regular evacuation drills  C) Requiring ground floors of new buildings to be used for commercial purposes  D) Increasing the height of residential areas  2. Based on the article, which factor contributes to the continuing risk of severe weather in Guangzhou?  A) The geographic location near the South China Sea  B) The seasonal nature of the city's climate  C) Ongoing urban development and construction  D) Historical mismanagement of city planning  - ◆ -  注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为纽约时报官方译文,仅供参考  Tornado Kills 5 in Guangzhou, a Chinese City Battered by Recent Rains  From: The New York Times  Atornadothatsweptthrough the southern Chinese economichubof Guangzhou killed five people and damagedscores offactory buildings on Saturday.  周六,一场龙卷风席卷了中国南部的经济中心广州,造成五人死亡,数十栋厂房受损。  tornado  📍tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ 表示“龙卷风;旋风”,英文解释为“a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground”;  📍hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən, -keɪn/ 表示“(尤指西大西洋的)飓风”,英文解释为“a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean”;  📍storm表示“风暴;暴风雨”,英文解释为“an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning”;  📍cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ 表示“旋风;气旋;龙卷风”,英文解释为“a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circular direction”;  📍typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ 表示“(西太平洋面的)台风”,英文解释为“a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean”;  sweep  sweep /swiːp/ 作动词,可以表示“风行,风靡,迅速蔓延,迅速传播;席卷;横扫”,英文解释为“to quickly spread through and influence an area”举个🌰:A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 一场流感正在莫斯科迅速传播。  📺电视剧《王冠》(The Crown)中的台词提到:Independence is sweeping across the continent. 独立运动席卷这片大陆。  📺动画片《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)中的台词提到:A plague is sweeping through Springfield. 一场瘟疫正席卷斯普林菲尔德。  📍sweeping 作形容词,1)表示“影响广泛的;大范围的;根本性的;意义深远的”,英文解释为“having an important effect on a large part of sth”如:sweeping changes 彻底变化,举个🌰:They were given sweeping powers to search homes. 他们授予入户搜查的极大权力。  🎬电影《沉默》(Silence)中的台词提到:He wrote those words during the most sweeping persecution of all. 他写下这些话时 正经历着最为残酷的迫害。  2)sweeping statement/generalization 表示“泛泛之谈;一概而论的说法;过于笼统的概括”,英文解释为“something that you say or write that is too general and that has not been carefully thought about”举个🌰:Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful. 对这种复杂困难的情形作泛泛之谈是没有用的。  hub  hub /hʌb/ 一词可以理解为“(某地/活动)中心,枢纽,核心”,如:the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心,a hub airport 大型中转机场,举个🌰:The kitchen was the hub of family life. 厨房是家庭生活的中心。  📍郑州挺住,河南加油!文中,路透社(Reuters)介绍河南就说的是:a major logistics hub in central China 中国中部的主要物流中枢,原句:Many train services across Henan, a major logistics hub in central China, have been suspended. Many highways have also been closed and flights delayed or cancelled. 河南是中国中部的一个主要物流中枢,整个河南的许多火车服务已经暂停。许多公路也被关闭,航班被推迟或取消。  📍《经济学人》(The Economist)2018年8月一篇提到B站的文章是这么表达的,Bilibili, an online hub for fans of comics and games.  score  score /skɔːr/ 熟词僻义,作动词,表示“获得,得到”,英文解释为“to get something”举个🌰:I managed to score a couple of tickets to the World Cup final. 我设法搞到了几张世界杯决赛的入场券。  作名词,可以指“二十;二十左右”,英文解释为“20 or approximately 20”举个🌰:He lived to be three score years and ten (= until he was 70 years old). 他活到了70岁。  scores 复数表示“许多,大量”,英文解释为“a lot of things or people”举个🌰:She received cards from scores of local well-wishers. 她收到了当地人送来的祝福卡。  The tornadostruckat about 3 p.m. and injured another 33 people as itslammedthrough the Baiyun district, in the city's northern suburbs, the local government said. It lasted about four minutes.Hailstones, some withdiametersof around 2 inches, also fell over parts of the city.  当地政府称,龙卷风于下午3点左右袭击了该市北郊的白云区,造成33人受伤。龙卷风持续了约四分钟。该市部分地区还降下冰雹,有的直径约5厘米。  strike  strike /straɪk/ 作名词,1)表示“罢工”,英文解释为“a period of time when workers refuse to work because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses”  2)表示“(珍贵东西的)意外发现;(地下贵重物质的)发现”,英文解释为“the discovery underground of a valuable substance”举个🌰:The population and settlement of Colorado expanded after the gold strike of 1858. 1858年发现黄金后,科罗拉多的人口和定居户数大幅增长。  作动词,1)表示“摆出(姿态)”,英文解释为“If you strike a pose or attitude, you put yourself in a particular position, for example when someone is taking your photograph.”举个🌰:He struck a pose, one hand on his hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette. 他摆出一个姿势,一只手叉腰,另一只手挥动着一支假想的香烟。  2)表示“(时钟)敲,鸣,报时”,英文解释为“When a clock strikes, its bells ring to show what the time is.”举个🌰:The clock was striking ten as we went into the church. 我们走进教堂时响起了10点的报时钟声。  3)表示“突然侵袭;使受折磨;使遭受重创”,英文解释为“to cause a person or place to suffer severely from the effects of something very unpleasant that happens suddenly”举个🌰:The disease has struck the whole community, sometimes wiping out whole families. 疾病袭击了整个社区,有时整个家庭都无一生还。  4)表示“达成,制定(协议)”,英文解释为“to reach or make an agreement”举个🌰:Do you think the government should try to strike a deal with the terrorists? 你认为政府应该尝试与恐怖分子达成协议吗?  📍strike a bargain/deal 表示“达成协议/交易,制定协议”,英文解释为“to agree to do something for someone if they do something for you”举个🌰:There are rumors that the president struck a private deal with the corporation's chairman. 有传言称总裁和公司董事长已经私下里达成协议。  slam  slam /slæm/ 1)表示“(使)重重撞上,(使)砰地关上”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise”举个🌰:The wind made the door/window slam (shut). 风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。  2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。”  📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.  hailstone  hailstone /ˈheɪl.stəʊn/ 表示“冰雹,雹子”,英文解释为“a small, hard ball of ice that falls from the sky like rain”  diameter  diameter /daɪˈæm.ɪ.tər/ 表示“直径;对径”,英文解释为“a straight line going from one side of a circle or any other round object to the other side, passing through the centre”举个🌰:The dome is 42.3 metres in diameter. 这个穹顶直径为42.3米。  补充:  📍radius:a straight line between the centre of a circle and any point on its outer edge; the length of this line 半径(长度)      Videos shared by Chinese official media showedtransmissiontowers and power linesignitinganddebris swirlingin the air, against abackdropof a giantfunnelthat had darkened the midafternoon sky.  中国官方媒体发布的视频显示,输电塔和电线火花四溅,各种碎片在空中飞舞,画面的远处有一个巨大的烟囱,午后的天空变得昏暗浑浊。  transmission  transmission /trænzˈmɪʃ.ən/ 1)表示“(广播、电视等的)播送,播送内容”,英文解释为“the process of broadcasting something by radio, television, etc., or something that is broadcast”举个🌰:We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon. 我们为今天下午广播节目的中断表示歉意。  2)表示“传递;传播”,英文解释为“the process of passing something from one person or place to another”如:the transmission of disease 疾病的传播。  ignite  ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ 1)表示“激起”,英文解释为“If something or someone ignites your feelings, they cause you to have very strong feelings about something.”举个🌰:There was one teacher who really ignited my interest in words. 曾经有一位老师真正激起了我对文字的兴趣。  2)表示“点燃;着火”,英文解释为“When you ignite something or when it ignites, it starts burning or explodes. ”举个🌰:The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses. 炸弹引起了一场火灾,烧毁了大约六十间房屋。  debris  debris /ˈdeb.riː/ 表示“碎片,残片;残渣;垃圾;废弃物”,英文解释为“pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left somewhere”举个🌰:Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond. 把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。  swirl  swirl /swɜːl/ 原意表示“使(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流;(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流;(使)旋转,(使)打转,(使)转圈”,英文解释为“If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves around and around quickly.”举个🌰:The fog swirled thickly around us. 我们被浓雾重重包围。  可以引申为“流传,传播”的意思,类似于spread或者是circulate,举个🌰:Rumours have swirled for years that he is on the point of retiring. 多年来一直有传言说他快要退休了。  📍circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems. 有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。  backdrop  1)表示“(舞台的)背景幕布”,英文解释为“a painted piece of cloth that is hung behind the stage in a theatre as part of the scenery”  2)表示“事件的背景”,英文解释为“The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.”举个🌰:The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability. 选举的背景是逐渐不稳的局势。  3)表示“背景”,英文解释为“the view behind something”举个🌰:The mountains form a dramatic backdrop to the little village. 群山如画,映衬着小山村。  funnel  funnel /ˈfʌn.əl/ 1)表示“烟囱”,英文解释为“a vertical metal pipe on the top of a ship or steam train through which smoke comes out”  2)表示“漏斗”,英文解释为“an object that has a wide round opening at the top, sloping sides, and a narrow tube at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into containers with narrow necks”  Guangzhou, asprawlingcity of 19 million people and a manufacturing and technology hub, has beenbatteredthis month by heavy spring downpours. Flooding across Guangdong Province, of which Guangzhou is the capital, had already led to theevacuationof tens of thousands of people last week.  广州是一个拥有1900万人口的大城市,也是一个制造业和技术中心。上周,广东省各地的洪水已经导致数万人撤离。  sprawling  sprawling /ˈsprɔː.lɪŋ/表示“蔓延的;杂乱无序伸展的”,英文解释为“spreading in an untidy way”如:a modern sprawling town 一座杂乱无序拓展的现代城镇。  batter  batter /ˈbætə/ 作动词,表示“连续猛击;殴打;(风、雨或风暴等的)袭击”,英文解释为“to hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage”举个🌰:The area has been battered by winds. 该地区一直受到大风的袭击。  evacuation  evacuation /ɪˌvæk.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“撤离,撤出,疏散,转移”,英文解释为“the act of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe”  The flow of warm,humidair from the South China Sea had led to theaccumulationof a “large amount of unstable energy” near the ground, according to the Guangzhou government.  据广州市政府称,来自南海的暖湿气流导致“大量不稳定能量”在地面附近积聚。  humid  humid /ˈhjuː.mɪd/ 表示“(空气和天气状况)潮湿的,湿润的”,英文解释为“(of air and weather conditions) containing extremely small drops of water in the air”举个🌰:New York is very hot and humid in the summer. 纽约的夏天炎热潮湿。  accumulation  accumulation /əˌkjuː.mjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ 表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“an amount of something that has been collected”举个🌰:Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches. 由于海浪的冲击作用,海滩上会堆积沙子。  The authorities said a total of 141 factory buildings were damaged by the tornado and latest rains. Guangdong'smeteorologicalauthorities said the tornado had been a level 3 out of 5, which signals wind speeds between 136 and 165 mph.  当局称,共有141栋厂房在龙卷风和最近的降雨中受损。广东省气象部门称,龙卷风为三级(最高五级),风速在每小时218至265公里之间。  meteorological  meteorological /ˌmiː.ti.ə.rəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“气象的”,英文解释为“relating to weather conditions”举个🌰:Accurate meteorological records began 100 years ago. 准确的气象记录始于100年前。  Search and rescue work had been concluded by Saturday evening, state media said. But officials warned thattorrentialrains and heavy wind and lightning would likely continue in Guangzhou in the coming days, as China prepares for a five-day Labor Day holiday beginning Wednesday.  官方媒体称,搜救工作已于周六傍晚结束。但官员们警告,未来几天广州可能会持续暴雨、大风和闪电,而中国准备从周三开始为期五天的劳动节假期。  torrential  torrential /təˈrenʃl/表示“(雨)倾泻似的,如注的”,英文解释为“used to refer to very heavy rain”,如:torrential rain 倾盆大雨,a torrential downpour/storm 如注的大雨/暴风雨。  One video shared by the Guangzhou government reminded residents not to go outdoors in heavyhail, or if they had to, to wear helmets.  广州市政府分享的一段视频提醒市民不要在大冰雹天气下外出,如果必须外出,也要戴上头盔。  hail  hail /heɪl/ 作动词 1)表示“招呼,呼喊”,英文解释为“to call someone in order to attract their attention”举个🌰:Shall we hail a taxi? 我们要叫出租车吗?  2)hail sb/sth as sth 表示“把…称赞为,把…誉为”,英文解释为“to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.”举个🌰:The conference was hailed as a great success. 会议被称颂为一次巨大的成功。  hail作不可数名词,表示“雹,冰雹”,英文解释为“small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain”,hailstones 通常复数,表示“冰雹,雹子”,英文解释为“a small, hard ball of ice that falls from the sky like rain”。  📍ride-hailing 表示“约车,叫车”,英文解释为“used for or involved in the activity of asking for a car and driver to come immediately and take you somewhere”举个🌰:Do you use a ride-hailing app? 你用约车APP吗?  The brown waters of the Pearl River flow through the heart of Guangzhou, much of which is verylow-lyingand has a long history of flooding.  泥黄色的珠江流经广州市中心,这里大部分地区地势低洼,洪水泛滥的历史由来已久。  low-lying  low-lying /ˌləʊˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/ 表示“(土地)低洼的,低的”,英文解释为“Low-lying land is at or near sea level.”举个🌰:People living in low-lying areas were evacuated because of the floods. 居住在低洼地区的人们因洪水而被疏散。  The city has undertaken extensive efforts over the past few decades to improve its resistance to theinundationsthat have long accompanied the annual arrival of heavy rainstorms in late spring.  长期以来,每年春末暴雨来临时,广州都会出现洪水泛滥的情况,在过去几十年里,该市为提高抗洪能力做出了大量努力。  inundation  inundation /ˌɪn.ʌnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“洪水;淹没,泛滥”,英文解释为“a flood, or the fact of being flooded with water”举个🌰:The dam saved the area from inundation. 大坝使该地区免遭洪水淹没。  2)表示“大量涌入”,英文解释为“a large number of people or things that arrive somewhere like a flood, and are difficult to deal with”举个🌰:The town is preparing for the annual inundation of tourists. 这个城镇正在为一年一度的游客潮做准备。  Municipalregulations have required in recent years that new apartment buildings have shops, not apartments, on the ground floor. The goal is to minimize the risk to human life during floods.  近年来,市政法规要求新建公寓楼的底层必须是商铺,而不是公寓。这样做的目的是尽量减少洪水对人类生命造成的威胁。  municipal  municipal /mjuːˈnɪs.ɪ.pəl/ 表示“市政的;市立的”,英文解释为“of or belonging to a town or city”如:municipal authorities 市政当局。  Janet Yellen, the U.S.treasurysecretary, visited Guangzhou during an official visit to China earlier this month. The city recently held the CantonFair, a major trade exhibition.  本月初,美国财政部长耶伦在对中国进行正式访问期间访问了广州。广州最近举办了大型贸易展览——广交会。  treasury  the Treasury /ˈtreʒ.ər.i/ 表示“(英国及其他许多国家的)财政部”,英文解释为“the government department, in the UK and some other countries, that is responsible for financial matters such as spending and tax”,treasury本身可以表示“(城堡等中的)金银财宝库,宝库”,英文解释为“a place in a castle, etc. where valuable things are stored”  fair  fair /feər/ 作名词,1)表示“园游会,游乐会”,英文解释为“a public event, often held outside, where you can take part in competitions and buy small things and food, often organized to collect money for a particular purpose”,如:the school fair 学校游乐会。  2)表示“集市”,英文解释为“a public event in the countryside where farm animals and farm products are sold”,如:a county/state fair 县/州农畜产品集市。  3)表示“商品展销会,商品交易会”,英文解释为“a large show at which people who work in a particular industry meet, and sell and advertise their products”,如:a book/antiques/toy fair/art fair 书展/古玩交易会/玩具展销会/艺术博览会。  📍此前,在长期不读书会降低表达能力吗?文中出现过book fairs 书展这个表达,原句:Scholastic, which operates book fairs in schools and publishes popular children's books including the Harry Potter and Captain Underpants series, has been commissioning the “Kids and Family Reading Report” since 2006. 学乐教育集团经常在学校举办图书展,出版过许多风靡一时的儿童读物,其中包括《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)和《内裤超人》(Captain Underpants)系列图书。  4)作形容词,表示“(皮肤)白皙的;(头发)浅黄的,金色的”,英文解释为“(of skin) pale, or (of hair) pale yellow or gold”举个🌰:All my family are fair-skinned. 我们全家人皮肤都很白。  - 词汇盘点 -  tornado、sweep、hub、score、strike、slam、hailstone、diameter、transmission、ignite、debris、swirl、backdrop、funnel、sprawling、batter、evacuation、humid、accumulation、meteorological、torrential、hail、low-lying、inundation、municipal、treasury、fair  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -  A tornado, with a sprawling funnel diameter, sweeps through the hub, igniting transmission lines. Amidst torrential hail, debris swirls, battering the fairgrounds. Humid conditions had led to hailstone accumulation, striking municipal treasuries and low-lying areas, prompting evacuation. The backdrop? A meteorological storm slam.